
I was born in Santa cruz, California during that short expanse of the 1980’s that signifies neither x nor millennial. My generational cohort is interstitial and analogistic. We slow-danced to "under the bridge” in middle school. I drew autobiographical comics in big black sketchbooks and I had a zine.

I matriculated at Chelsea College of Art in London on 9/11/2001. I hung out with European Unionists, developed an accent unmoored from any geographic locale and drew portraits of reluctant strangers on the underground. I studied maps and pub decor. I graduated from Middlesex University in 2005 with a BFA, bought a Wacom tablet and moved to Zürich.

Bored with Switzerland’s punctiliousness and relentless natural beauty, I applied to graduate school and earned a Masters degree in Visual & Critical Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2008. Full of hope but just in time for a financial crash to render such accolades meaningless, I went home.

I had a child and did design work for public health officials & non-profit organizations. I taught classes in screen printing, resold vintage clothing on etsy and opened a children’s store. I sat on several boards of directors and closed the shop. I made jewelry and sold paintings.

From 2013-2020 I worked for Discretion Brewing in Soquel, CA as resident artist, producing glassware, apparel, coasters, growlers, 50+ original beer labels & countless taproom signs. Since 2016 I’ve been a regular contributor to Edible Monterey Bay, designing the magazine’s seasonal farmers’ markets guide and various other food-focused instructionals. Other regular clients include the Arts Council of Santa Cruz County, Visit Santa Cruz, Fruition Brewing of Watsonville and various authors of illustrated books.

In 2021 I bought a house in Portland, Oregon on what can only be described as a wild whim and moved my entire life to a three-story four-square Victorian built in 1904 and topped with the most fabulously light-filled attic studio, where I spend my days deliberating over my website choices, drawing comics, working for my much-appreciated clients slightly less often than I should and eating far too many wasabi almonds.

The stories I tell follow the rhythm of daily life — often meandering, occasionally profound — stitching together a greater narrative as time passes and the themes unfold but always resisting the impulse towards closure or linear progress… time is (along with its collaborator, memory) a capricious sculptor, forming and undoing conclusions and creating new spaces for uncertain new meanings that, once opened, avenue and diverge.

TL; DR: excessively-educated graphic artist & visual storyteller of diverse life experience currently living in Portland, OR.